CALEP Negotiator
The Negotiator is published four times per year. It is currently a digital publication that is emailed to all CALEP members.
Advertising must be submitted to CALEP by the 1st of the month of the publication. Publications are sent out mid-month.
Advertisement Specifications
- Advertisements must be submitted in the following digital format:
- High-resolution PDF, JPG, or PNG files, with all the fonts. Please make sure the PDF is saved for pre-press, 300 dpi.
- If photos are used in advertisements, they must be scanned at 300 dpi
- All advertisements, except full-page advertisements, must have a defining border on all sides.
- Miscellaneous mechanical requirements:
- For best results, prepare the advertisement files in either InDesign or illustrator
- Do not use LZW Compression when saving images
- No extra channels in Photoshop files.
- Do not create and save any text in Photoshop, as this rasterizes the text and it does not print with crisp, clear lines. All text should be vector and either be created in InDesign or Illustrator.
- Only Postscript Type 1 fonts and OpenType fonts will be accepted. Please do not use TrueType fonts.
- Do not prepare any files using Microsoft Word or Powerpoint.
- Delivery: The preferred delivery of file(s) is an e-mail attachment. If the file(s) are over 10 MB, uploading via online file-sharing is available.
Advertisement Space and Costs Available
Costs per Issue
Annual Commitment (4 Issues)
Full Page
1/2 Page
1/4 Page
Prices are in Canadian dollars and do not include GST.

Interested in Advertising in the Negotiator?
Reach out to CALEP’s Marketing & Communications Board Member or the CALEP office: Dayna Morgan
CALEP Office