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Board of Directors
Sandra Dixon

Enbridge Pipelines

Our membership is comprised of land professionals with diverse business and technical skills, knowledge, and experience in the various areas of mineral and surface rights and contract negotiations and management. As an Association dedicated to these Petroleum Landman, it is our obligation to provide the types of aid and support that will help to strengthen their profile as professionals in contributing to the growth and success of our Oil and Gas Industry. 
The President of the Canadian Association of Land and Energy Professionals (CALEP) is to ensure that our Board of Directors upholds the highest standards of professionalism in delivering these benefits to our members: 

  • providing educational, leadership and mentorship programs, functional networking opportunities and other similar initiatives that will give our members the ability to demonstrate real value and benefit of membership to their employers as land professionals and to the Industry and public as peers and representatives of our Association; 
  • ensuring that the goals and objectives of the organization are effectively aligned with the needs and expectations of the members 
  • establishing meaningful and relevant distinctions of proficiency and professional achievement 
  • pursuing initiatives for the development and advancement of our business and technology 
  • striving to develop and build upon our liaisons and relationships with the public, educational institutions, regulatory bodies, and other businesses and Associations having common concerns and objectives related to the everchanging elements of our Industry;  
  • managing the Association's funding and sponsorship in a fiscally responsible manner and in accordance with the principles and laws as are applicable and appropriate for the governance of CALEP as a non-profit organization 
Vice President
Robyn Baron, P.Land, PSL

Helianthus Land Consulting

Vice President

As Vice President of the CALEP, it is my responsibility to assist the President to ensure:

  1. That the highest standards of professionalism are upheld by our Board of Directors in delivering these benefits to our members: educational, leadership and mentorship programs,
  2. Providing job and networking opportunities and promoting our general meetings,
  3. Employing relevant distinctions of proficiency and professional achievement,
  4. Developing and maintaining relationships with external stakeholders through liaisons,
  5. Managing the Association’s funding and sponsorship in a fiscally responsible manner,
  6. Ensuring the goals and objectives of CALEP are aligned with those of membership, and
  7. Pursuing initiatives for the development and advancement of our business and technology.

In addition to assisting the President with the above tasks, the role of the Vice President includes:

  • Chairing the CALEP Board Meetings and General Meetings in the absence of the President,
  • Chairing the Office Executive Committee, which is responsible for the running of the CALEP office.
  • Sitting as a member of next year’s Conference Committee, act as the Board of Directors liaison for the Conference and assist the Conference Chairperson,
  • Sitting as a member of the General Meetings Committee, participating in the selection of keynote speakers for the General Meetings and acting as the Board of Directors liaison, and
  • Acting as the Board of Directors liaison with the CAPLA Board.


Geoff Thiessen

Razor Energy


The Finance portfolio is primarily focused on maintaining and increasing the financial health of the CALEP. It involves the following timely responsibilities:

  • The collection of financial data, ensuring its accuracy and analyzing it for planning purposes
  • Ensuring Financial Board Governance rules/guidelines are in-place and followed*
  • Financial Reporting – to the Board and Membership on a regular basis
  • Providing Financial recommendations to both the Board and Membership
  • Carry out the Board directives
  • Management of the annual budgeting and audit processes
  • Participate fully in Board and Finance Sub-Committee meetings providing leadership and input

*All volunteer committee members must abide by the “Monetary Management Policy plus Expenditure and Conduct Guidelines for Committees Operating under the Canadian Association of Land and Energy Professionals”. (These guidelines can be found on the CALEP website under Membership, Financial Information)


Dayna Morgan



  • Co-ordination of minute taking at all Executive, General, and Extraordinary Meetings of the CALEP. The CALEP office staff will assist with the minutes and will distribute any of the above minutes to all.
  • Preparation of the "Board Briefs" for the Negotiator (the office staff handles this and sends them to the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Finance Director for approval before submitting them to the Negotiator). Board Briefs should be submitted to the Negotiator by the Friday following the Executive.
  • Preparation of the Agenda for each Executive Meeting (or done by the President).
  • The signing of cheques when approved
  • Signing of Membership Applications which are approved at the Executive Meetings



Field Acquisition and Management
James Thurston

Shell Canada Energy

Field Acquisition and Management

The Field Acquisition and Management (FAM) portfolio represents the surface components of the land profession. The committee consists of approximately 30 volunteers including the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.

FAM’s members actively participate in various external and internal liaison capacities in addition to sub committees set up within FAM to address policy and access issues.  These include:

  • Community Relations Chair
  • Negotiator Article Committee Liaison
  • Alberta Agreements Chair
  • Olds College Liaison
  • Professionalism Liaison
  • Trappers Stakeholder Liaison
  • Education Liaison
  • Land Agent Advisory Committee Liaison
  • CAPP Liaison
  • NEEMAC Liaison
  • ELLAP Liaison
  • Government and Regulatory Liaison(s) for British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba

FAM works to increase the CALEP's voice within the different regulatory channels as well as the various NGO’s who influence surface access within the energy industry. FAM seeks to actively participate in discussions regarding current issues which affect our industry in respect to surface rights and securing access to land, for both freehold and crown land. FAM also seeks to be a source of information to CALEP's members and others in the industry who want to remain well informed on this subject. In addition, FAM is a strong supporter of maintaining and enhancing professional conduct within industry and will continue to promote this with the Professionalism and Education Committees.

Member Services
Ryan Gugyelka

Birchcliff Energy Ltd.


The Member Services portfolio encompasses: 

  • Membership: The Membership Committee reviews applications for Active, Associate, and Student Membership monthly and approves new members. 
  • Honorary, Senior, and Life Memberships are proactively reviewed annually and, when applicable, approved by the Board of Directors. 
  • Roster: Although for the most part it is up to individual members to update their contact information on the online roster, regular updates are done behind the scenes to the electronic roster. 
  • Member Information and Awareness: Information that applies to the membership is disseminated through both the Negotiator and the CALEP Website. 
  • Merit Awards: Annually, recognition is given to members and organizations that have made exceptional contributions to the Association. Long-time members who have been members for 25 or more years are also given special recognition. 
  • Visitation and Bereavement: CALEP acknowledges the deaths of current or past members by listing them on the website and in the Negotiator.  
Communications/Public Relations
Wade McLeod


The mandate of the Communications Portfolio is to keep the membership informed on a timely basis of ongoing activities and initiatives both within CALEP and in the industry in general. The primary means to accomplish this is through The Negotiator.The negotiator is published ¼ March, June, September, and December; it is the one source of our members' constitutional, educational, technical, organizational, and social information. Through the efforts of an extensive network of volunteers, The Negotiator has established itself as a premier and award-winning industry publication. Alliances with governments, interest groups and other industry organizations enable The Negotiator to publish articles of interest and relevance and to keep our membership apprised of new and ongoing initiatives and upcoming industry events.  
The Negotiator is funded through a combination of advertising revenue and membership dues and is provided to members and select industry associates online.  
Inquiries regarding advertising space, rates, content concerns, and comments are in the Negotiator. 

  • Manage the ¼ Negotiator issues 
  • Manage advertising for the negotiator 
  • Website Management 
  • Provide input for weekly email blasts 


Community Engagement 

The Public Relations Committee is responsible for promoting the CALEP and the land profession within the industry and the communities in which it operates. Our goal is to educate and create awareness of the role of the Landman and the contributions made by the 1700 members of our Association. 

We achieve this through our principal activities, which include: 

  • Educate and inform the public of the role of the Landman through our participation in public forums, conventions, and conferences. 
  • Attracting bright young people to our profession through presentations at high school and post-secondary institutions. 
  • Working with the media to relay news of the Association’s activities and matters of public interest. 
  • Sponsorship of various special events and an annual fundraising effort for the Alberta 4-H Foundation. 
  • Publication of our Annual Report and other promotional materials, including brochures, information packages, and videos. 
  • Coordinate special events for the Association. 
  • Assisting other CALEP committees in the execution of their duties. 

The Public Relations Committee has several standing subcommittees responsible for planning and executing these goals and activities. New members willing to assist and contribute are always welcome. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to provide feedback. 

Lorinda Turner

Turner Land Ltd.


  • Liaison between the Executive and the various Social Committees
  • Liaison between the Executive and the General Meetings Committee
  • Review of current social events and any additions or deletions as required
  • Ensure waivers are signed if required, and all insurance requirements are satisfied before hosting an event
  • Ensure proper reporting of incoming and outgoing funds with the office and provide them with detailed registration and sponsor lists for each event
  • Work with the sponsors to ensure their needs are being met

The mandate of the EVENTS portfolio is to provide CALEP members an opportunity to meet new members, expand existing contacts, and build stronger relationships in a social setting. And also to organize and execute on the General Meetings as required by the bylaws. We have a number of committees and dedicated volunteers working on various events. Please check out the events we have planned and come out and support the activity of your choice. These events are put on for you, the Members, and more participation always makes for a better event with more opportunities to catch up with old friends and to make new ones. If you have any ideas for new events or would like to volunteer on any committees please feel free to contact me or one of the committee chairmen.

Committee Chairmen (CALEP Sponsored Events):

  • December Networking
  • March Spring Networking
  • June Triple Round-Up
  • Golf Tournament

Committee Chairmen (CALEP Endorsed Event):

  • Sweat the Surface Road Race -

General Meetings Committee Chairmen - vacant


Professionalism/New Education
Donald MacLeod

Scott Land & Lease Ltd.


The goal of the Professionalism portfolio is to increase recognition of landmen as professionals within the Oil and Gas Industry and encourage both Surface and Mineral Landmen, to attain the highest level of professional proficiency, education and ethical conduct in their respective fields. The portfolio has the overall responsibility for handling matters with respect to the Professional designation programs, the professional conduct of all members, and handling disputes and claims with regard to ethical issues. Various sub-committees have been created to deal with these issues; the chairs of each of these sub-committees are listed below. Please feel free to contact them with specific questions. 

The Professional designations have been developed and approved by our Association.  They are as follows: 

  • CML – Certified Mineral Landman 
  • CSL – Certified Surface Landman 
  • Land®– Professional Landman 
  • PSL®– Professional Surface Landman 

The course of action required to attain any of the above are set forth in the Professionalism Procedure document on the CALEP’s website. 

By the Association supporting and creating these designations, it was determined that they would set a standard by which other landmen, industry members, related government departments and the public can be assured that the holder of the designations has developed a high level of professional competency, understanding and ethical conduct. 

In support of the Professionalism Program, the Committee continues to have responsibility for screening all applicants, assigning and tracking credits for re-certification, updating the Professionalism Manual and the updating and preparing the P.Land® and PSL® Exams. The manual continues to provide material for studying for the P.Land® and PSL® Exams and is a valuable reference tool for all landmen.  The current CALEP Professionalism Manual is available for purchase through the CALEP office and is available on-line for CALEP members under the “Members Only” section. 

In order to remain competitive with the other disciplines in our industry, it is vital that landmen are considered professionals, equal in standing with geologists, geophysicists, engineers and accountants. Awareness, education and proficiency are a few of the key skills required to reach this goal. Currently, about 15% of our Association has one or both of the professional designations. In attempting to strengthen professionalism within our organization, this committee has come up with the following 2014/2015 objectives: 

  • All Professional designation recipients will be recognized at the CALEP General Meetings (as of November, 2014) 
  • Update the 2010 Professionalism Manual to reflect current regulations 
  • If you are interested in volunteering for this project, please contact the Director of this Portfolio 
  • In conjunction with the Education portfolio, a mentor database will be created within CALEP.  All Mentors must have either a CML, CSL and 6 + years of experience in their professional land related field 
  • The mentor database will be accessible for all CALEP student members 
  • In conjunction with the Education portfolio, create a Professional Manual Overview Course to be available for the membership 

New Education 

The mandate of the New Education portfolio is to develop high quality and relevant new courses, seminars and workshops to augment the existing Education portfolio. 

New course offerings will focus on topical issues and learning opportunities that keeps pace with evolving industry trends and applicable professional development for the changing role of the land professional. 

This portfolio will collaborate with the Education portfolio regarding EPLM Advisory and engagement with Post-Secondary institutions 

Alexis Watson

Freehold Royalties


Education Portfolio Mandate


We will strive to provide the highest quality education offerings to enhance our members' career growth and development.

We will demonstrate a strong commitment to relevant education offerings that keeps pace with evolving industry trends and provide members with timely and valuable sessions to upskill and reskill in addition to foundational education for today’s commercial and business professionals.

External Relations
Adam Stewart

Millennium Land Ltd.

External Relations

  • The first area of Government and Regulatory Liaison ensures that the CALEP is represented on committees that deal with mineral rights issues.  
    • Alberta – The Alberta Department of Energy is also moving ahead with plans to develop a policy and regulatory framework to support Shallow Rights Reversion and Carbon Capture and Sequestration.   Discussions on lease continuations in Caribou regions have been a focus of the Caribou steering committee.
    • Oil Sands – Industry, along with CAPP, have been discussing with Alberta Energy changes for a more effective and efficient tenure policy with a focus to better align with the oil sands investment climate and government objectives for updating this policy.
    • Saskatchewan – There has been increasing interest in having active Industry Advisory Committees for Saskatchewan.  Ongoing discussion topics include Treaty Land Entitlement, drainage issues, fractional mineral interest at land sales.
Past President
Janice Redmond

Canada West Land

Past - President

The role of the Past President is to advise the President and serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors. In addition, specific responsibilities include Chairman of the Nominations Committee for Board Elections and member of the Office Executive Committee. As Past President, I will also serve a two-year term as one of two Directors from Canada to the American Association of Professional Landmen. I look forward to fulfilling these roles over the coming year.

Janice Redmond
Canada West Land Services Ltd.

5774 10 Street NE
Calgary, AB, T2E 8W7