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Fundamentals of Surface Agreements (PSL®)

April 18, 2023

Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: CALEP Office Suite 1600, 520 5th Ave SW


This course is intended for industry personnel who require a detailed understanding of the surface documents used in the oil and gas industry. Those of interest will have desire for a greater understanding of the different Surface documents available.


This course is for the purposes of having detailed discussions about land agreements that are most commonly used during the surface acquisition process.  Types of agreements include the Alberta Surface Lease, Alberta Right-of-Way Agreement, Amendments, Damage Releases, and Temporary Work Space Agreements.  Other miscellaneous surface documents will be discussed as to when, where and how they are to be used.  This course also covers the basic concepts of contract law, the Dower Act, Surface Rights Act, and Land Agent"s Licensing Act, and how these relate to surface land acquisition.

Fundamentals of Surface Agreements Course Outline

• History of Land Ownership in Alberta
• Land Titles
• Fundamental Elements of Agreements in Land
• Preliminary Matters to Surface Agreements
• Common Surface Agreements
• Surveys
• Caveats


Nikki Sitch, P.Land, PSL, BComm (PLM)

Nikki has over 20 years of oil and gas experience in Mineral and Surface negotiations at several energy companies.  Currently, she is Manager, Land & Community Inclusion at Kiwetinohk Energy Corp.  Nikki is an active member of CALEP and AAPL and was on the CALEP Board of Directors from 2010 to 2017, serving as Professionalism Director, Finance Director, Member Services Director, Vice President, President and Past President. She developed and taught the Surface Rights & Regulations Overview course at Mount Royal University and is a Calgary-based author of fictional novels.  

 Registration Fee includes beverages and snacks.