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The Surveyor’s Toolkit: Methods, Technology & Regulatory Insights. Presented by Midwest Surveys postponed to May 27,2025

May 27, 2025

Time: 08:00 - 16:00
Location: DeWinton Community Hall

Midwest Surveys, in partnership with CALEP, is excited to present The Surveyor’s Toolkit: Methods, Technology & Regulatory Insights. Presented by Midwest Surveys, this course will blend classroom and outdoor practical experience to showcase to participants how the data collected by survey companies is utilized to its fullest potential.

Synopsis The amount of data collected in the field during a survey is huge. Surveying blends a mix of centuries old techniques with new cutting-edge technology to provide information and data at levels that can be overwhelming. Pair that with the constantly changing regulatory requirements, including spatial data submissions, the challenge of knowing what to collect, what to submit, and what to do with all this data can seem daunting. More importantly, knowing what to communicate to survey companies, and what to expect back, is critical in successful project execution. This 8-hour course will introduce you to what, why, and how surveyors support industry in successful project executions.

The What will explain what surveying is, and what surveyors do, with a brief history of Land Surveying in Alberta, including what a typical day of a surveyor looks like, and how a “typical” upstream project lifecycle progresses. We’ll also dive into what kinds of data surveyors collect in the field, and the various types of media used to present, transmit, and submit this data.

The Why will help participants understand the reasoning and rationale behind the field surveys, decisions, data collected, and plans prepared for regulatory submission. This section will also explore case studies of regulatory hurdles, challenges, and solutions encountered in upstream project lifecycles.

The How will showcase the technology that surveyors use, including hands on demonstrations of various pieces of survey technology, ranging from total stations to UAVs. This section will focus on the data collection, the benefits and restrictions of each technology, and use case studies of the technology for successful project executions.


The course will combine indoor and outdoor presentations. Participants should expect to be outdoors for up to an hour at a time. They are also encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet to participate in some of the classroom data presentations. Lunch will be included.