Baseline Water Resource Inc. Presents:
“Water Well Testing and Proactive Landowner Engagement for Oil and Gas Projects”
Landowner awareness, education, and participation in environmental causes have never been higher. This furthers environmental stewardship and creates challenges as regulatory entities, the oil and gas industry, agriculture, and private citizens work together to manage our shared water resources. Generally, landowners and industry have the same water goals: preventing contamination, ensuring adequate supply, and overall resource protection. So how can working together go awry when all parties seemingly want the same outcome?
Using the example of baseline water well testing, this presentation focuses on landowner engagement and how to promote positive communication and cooperation, education and information sharing, and respecting the interests of all parties.
Presentation Outline:
Members $25.00 +gst
CAPLA/PJVA/IRWA and EASC $30.00 +gst
NonMemebrs $40.00 +gst