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Professional Ethics: Theory and Application - Virtual

April 15 - 17, 2025

Time: 08:30
Virtual on Teams - April 15 and 17th 8:30-12:00
Location: 1600-520 5th Ave SW



This seminar is suitable for all interested land personnel and is required for prospective CALEP members and CALEP's professional certification program.


This seminar is intended to increase the understanding of ethics and the dimensions of ethical behavior by stimulating the ethical thought process, giving a basic introduction to the nuances of ethics, introducing a number of methods used in ethical decision-making, and providing a forum for discussions with respect to land-related ethical issues.  Case studies will encourage class discussion and give each participant insight into the morality vs legality question.

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Dr. Gary Lepine (DTh)

Dr. Gary Lepine has been providing Professional Ethics seminars to the oil & gas industry since 2003.  In 2008, he formally began Concord Professional Development, where his work expanded to include training on creating a respectful work environment, team building, and leadership.  Since its beginning, Concord Gary has worked with various associations and companies in the oil and gas sector, as well as been involved with pub not-for-profit organizations. 

Gary also serves as a Clinical Ethicist with Alberta Health Services, supporting the Rockyview General Hospital and the Northwest Territories.  He is also currently Chairman of the Board at New Heights School and Learning Services, a school for individuals on the autistic spectrum.