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Nominations Due Mar 10, 2025

The Merit Awards Committee needs your input to properly recognize the outstanding volunteer contributions made by our members and friends of the Association and ensure that the Award Recipients continue to reflect the high standards of commitment and dedication to the Association and to the community as they have in the past.

The Award categories are:

  1. The Herb Hughes Memorial Award
                   The Herb Hughes Memorial Award is our Association’s highest and most prestigious award. It is intended to recognize a member who has repeatedly made outstanding contributions to our Association and industry and whose professional conduct continues to be exemplary. The Merit Awards Committee will reserve the right not to make the award if there is not an eligible recipient. This policy will maintain the award's high standards.
  1. CALEP Distinguished Citizen Award
                   One (1) member will be honoured for their accomplishments outside of CALEP through volunteer work in the community or energy industry, which enhances the image of our profession and our Association. The Merit Awards Committee reserves the right not to award the award if there is no eligible recipient. This policy will maintain the award's high standards.
  1. CALEP Award of Merit
                   Up to three (3) awards will be made to CALEP Members who have made significant contributions to the Association by their participation on committees and in special events in the past year. The Executive and Directors are exempt and at least one (1) winner must not be a Committee Chairman.
  1. CALEP Bright Light Award 
                   Up to three (3) awards will be given to junior members of CALEP (membership < 5 years) who have demonstrated enthusiasm, energy, and a willingness to make a positive contribution to our Association in the past year. 
  1. Volunteer Supporter Award 
                   One (1) award will be given to a company that has actively encouraged its employees to participate in our industry and Association. CALEP is run by volunteers, and we would like to recognize those companies that fully support their employees’ participation.

 Friends of CALEP Award
               One (1) to eight (8) awards will be given to companies or individuals who have significantly contributed to our Association. Special consideration will be given to the types of contributions or services provided to the Association and any non-monetary support.

  1. Mentor Excellence Award
    The Mentor Excellence Award is our Association’s newest award, and it was introduced to recognize a member who is committed to mentoring others in our industry.
                   One (1) award will be given to a deserving member based on their contributions and impact during their career. We consider that some of the most influential mentors may or may not necessarily have had “Mentor” or “Supervisor” as an assigned role, however CALEP wants to recognize those unique individuals who take the time and interest to contribute to the education and career development of others in the Association or to the community.

               The Merit Awards Committee reserves the right not to award the award if no eligible recipient is present. This policy will maintain the award's high standards.

Merit Awards Process         



2024 Winners


Merit Awards Committee





Calynda Evans

Outlier Resources Ltd.

(403) 930-4999

Denise Grieve

CALEP Alumni

(403) 771-9557

Spryng Kubicek


(403) 237-6635

Janice Redmond

Canada West Land Services Ltd.

(403) 921-3443

Brad Reynolds

Kelt Exploration Ltd.

(403) 710-2471

Gary Richardson

Brittany Consulting Ltd.

(403) 818-9478

Suzanne Stahl

Cache Island Corp

(403) 540-8894

Geoff Thiessen

TexCal Energy Canada Inc.

(403) 472-7511

